Sunday, February 27, 2011

Single cell

I'll start this blog by posting about my experience doing Julia Cameron's book course, Walking in this World, a journey for artists to foster more creative movement. Think of it like artistic ex-lax, though preferably less poopie.

It's all about creating (though never creationism, here). It just feels good to hatch new plans (har, har, I said "hatch." The egg puns will get old and be abandoned soon). Well, creation feels good unless it's childbirth and then it pinches a little, or so I've heard. Luckily none of my ova have been fertilized that way. So I'm into fertilizing my little creative eggs. I probably won't replace my own photo with that of my creative progeny, though. It would be hypocritical after silently razzing so many mothers who post their child's image as their own profile photo.

Sometimes I will literally write about eggs, singlehandedly insulting both vegans and creationists. Eggs can be transcendent too. And if you get that hollandaise right? Lady, that's baby-making music.